Thursday, July 25, 2013

Isn't It Weird?

     Woke up this morning and took the dog out as usual. It was 58 degrees outside and I was freezing my ass off. I guess my body has adjusted to temperatures in the high seventies and eighties. Isn't that weird? I think it is. Back in March or April 58 degrees would've felt like summertime to me, now it feels like fall.
     It just helps to solidify my theory that perception is reality. What you believe, you personify and here in a nutshell is what I believe. We are all special and unique pieces of God. We all carry a bit of the divine with us at all times that we can have access to if we so choose. We were all born perfect and our purpose here on earth is to fully experience our lives, so that they are not wasted. I believe a wasted life is a stagnant life and stagnancy kills. Just look at a stagnant body of water if you don't believe that. There is life in it, but what kind of life?  Is that a life that I would choose for myself? No way. My life is about freedom and movement.
     I choose to access my inner God today. I am going to personify the parts of God that I hold dear in my heart, the goodness and caring of others, the respect, the humbleness, the kindness, the love. I want to spread love and respect in my own personal circle of people I interact with. I want to spread love and I want to be able to receive love. I will imagine a beautiful clear bubble around me, enclosing me completely. The only emotions that can penetrate my bubble are loving, happy emotions. When negative emotions come into contact with my happy bubble, they are immediately transformed into positive emotions and they bounce back into the person who sent them, spreading happiness and love. I got this idea from Sylvia Browne and I use it all the time, thank you Sylvia! Perception really is reality, if you allow it to be. Today let your reality be filled with love, light, laughter, and happiness, no matter what else may be going on in your life. That is my plan, for today and all days.

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